AI Companions Will Be Everywhere

Plus: 2 Business Opportunities To Start

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🎤 Setting The Stage:

  • AI companion apps have seen wild adoption numbers

  • Popular apps such as CharaterAI have millions of active users

  • Engagement numbers are staggering (up to 300 sessions per user per month and an average of 20 minutes spent on the site.

  • People (me included) used to wave off AI companions as sexting apps for minors.

  • In a recent study published in Nature, 30 participants reported that talking to an AI companion was the only thing that stopped them from committing suicide

  • People reported the constant availability and lack of judgment as a great advantage of AI companions over humans

🤷🏼 Problem:

  • One in four adults experience loneliness worldwide

  • Vulnerable groups such as the elderly, single parents, and people with disabilities are also at high risk of feeling lonely

  • Loneliness is linked to impaired sleep, symptoms of depression, and poorer general health

  • Britain has gone as far as appointing a Loneliness Minister

  • The problem might be similar or even worse in countries like India and China

  • Many people have niche interests such as Poker, or Basketball that most of their social circle is not into

🔧 Solution:

  • Niche AI companions for entertainment, to give company, or to learn from.

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🎲 Key Players:

  • Character AI (270 M visitors in May alone with an average duration of 12 minutes according to Similarweb, $16.7M ARR; 57% of users are 18 to 24)

  • Replika (Super users are late 30s and up, <20% of users are in romantic relationships with AI, >50% are in an IRL relationship)

  • Pi

  • Kindroid 

  • Nomi

  • Meta AI Characters (28 different characters users can chat with on FB, IG, and WhatsApp)


🙌 What Sets Top Companies Apart:

  • People want to be heard. Often, it’s less important what the AI itself says. However, being a good listener is equally important for the bot.

  • Emotional intelligence is often more important than raw intelligence. The model should never act as a know-it-all.

  • The AI should not always be in the same (great) mood. Emotional variety makes the interaction more realistic.

🎯 Opportunities:

Idea 1) AI Companions For Poker (or other niche interests)

  • Problem: People with niche interests such as Basketball or Poker often struggle to find like-minded people.

  • Solution: An AI companion is there for the most excessive of online Poker sessions

  • What We Like: 

    • Being better at online Poker can lead users to make money. This makes it easy to justify paying for the companion

    • People with a passion e.g. Poker might be into the hobby for years. If done correctly, they might remain a loyal customer for long

    • Niche interests allow for targeted user acquisition

  • What we don’t like:

    • Requires a deep understanding of Poker or any other niche we go into

    • Churn could become a problem unless the companion solves a sustaining problem, alleviates a reoccurring pain, or helps the users to make money.

Idea 2) Companion For People With Chronic Diseases

  • Problem: Upon being diagnosed with a chronic disease, patients seek to learn as much as they can about it. Especially, with rarer diseases, it is hard for them to find people in a similar situation.

  • Solution: Create an AI companion for people with rare or chronic diseases

  • What we like:

    • The companion can actually help people in dire situations

    • Niche groups congregate in certain spots and their members tend to share information. Hence, the app could spread via word of mouth

    • People are likely to have a high willingness to pay

  • What we don’t like:

⚡️ Potential Risks:

  • Data privacy, security, emotional dependence, bias, and manipulation

  • Content moderation. Imagine the bot striking up a sexually charged conversation with a minor

  • Business model can create adverse incentives not to help alleviate loneliness because that would mean the loss of a paying customer

💡 Takeaways:

  • AI companion users don’t skew male. The ratio is about 50-50.

  • The users skew around 30 years old and up

  • There are many circumstances in which companion apps can provide relief or simply just an open ear. Examples I came across during research are:

    • Girl with Down syndrome who lives in a small rural town and has very few social contacts

    • Widower with a small child who does not have time to go out and does not feel ready to meet someone new

    • A person who just got out of an abusive relationship and now uses the AI to talk through her

  • The general AI companions will probably be built by incumbents such as Replika, Character, and Meta. However, there are tons of niches to be filled


Lots of love and see you next time!

Thanks for reading!

- Gregor

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